
The Blog


About the Proyect

The project’s focus was on creating a blog platform that covers diverse topics of interest. This included designing a user-friendly interface for posting different types of news and articles on separate sections dedicated to various themes.


Proyect Goals

The idea was to develop a self-administered blog where various types of news could be posted across different sections covering various topics. The goal was to build a community that consumes these contents and pays for membership to access unlimited content on the site.


My Role

My role in the project was to build the WordPress website and make it self-administered. I was given the design, and the client was very meticulous to ensure it looked its best. My involvement in this project stood out in terms of updating functionalities. It was developed in WordPress using Elementor and Advanced Custom Fields, allowing me to create highly personalized blog post layouts aligned with the client’s needs. The idea that came to me was to create the 5 different types of templates on one page that the client would later replicate and change the information, requiring them to know how to work with WordPress and Elementor to edit content. I didn’t think this was the best option, so I chose to develop the 5 types of interiors as templates. When wanting to upload a post, one simply selects one of the 5 template options through the use of taxonomies, and a ready-to-fill form appears, optimizing content loading and blog performance as these posts are automatically displayed in different sections of the site simply by assigning them a specific category.

Want to work together?

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